Serving South-Central Pennsylvania
York: (717) 757-2828
Hanover: (717) 630-2424

Business Hours

Sun:11:00 AM -3:00 PM Mon-Thur: 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday :9:00 am -7:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Online Catalog

SilkGuard Complete 3″ Tabs 3.5lb. Container

Call for price


  • Makes water feel softer and smoother.
  • Prevents scaling and protects against corrosion and metal staining.
  • Protects pool equipment for longer life.
  • Suitable for all pools, pump, and applications.
  • Provides the benefits of SilkGuard and SmartGuard in all applications.
  • Contains Algae Killing Crystals for improved performance.