Pool Opening Tips
Shopping List
- Pool Cover Pump
- Magic Lube
- Stow-Away ® to clean and deodorize winter pool cover in preparation for storage
- Wall Brush
- Vacuum Equipment
- Filter Media (Sand, D.E. or cartridge)
- Off The Wall ® to clean the “bathtub ring” & skimmer
- Strip Kwik ® to chemically clean the filter from last year
Now You’re Ready to Open The Pool:
- Drain and remove your cover (avoid getting debris in the pool water). Set aside for cleaning.
- Remove the Gizzmo(s) plugs from the skimmer(s) and from the returns.
- Install the skimmer basket(s) and directional eyeball(s).
- Clean your skimmer and pool waterline with Off the Wall ®
- Make sure that your filter is clean. Chemically clean with Strip Kwik ® if it wasn’t done in the fall.
- Reassemble filter and pump making sure to use Magic Lube on all o-rings and gaskets.
- Make sure that your pool is filled to at least the middle of the skimmer.
- Adjust Valves to proper position
- Prime your pump prior to starting
- Make sure that you turn the power on at the main breaker.
- Turn the pump on.
- Add the proper amount of D.E. to the skimmer for an earth filter and note the clean start up pressure. (For D.E. Filters Only!)
- Install the ladder and hand rails. Make sure to tighten all anchor bolts completely.
- Allow the pool to circulate for 24 – 48 hours and take a water sample to Buchmyers Pools, Inc.
If you have any questions please call us at 717-757-2828 or 717-630-2424